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【学术报告】2019年8月5、6日Cheng Wang教授来我院举办系列学术讲座


报告人:Cheng Wang 教授(美国马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校(UMasssD))

报告人简介:Cheng Wang,美国马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校(UMasssD)的数学教授。他2000年从Temple大学取得博士学位,师从刘建国教授。在2008年赴UMassD担任助理教授之前,他在2000年至2003年之间在Roger Temam和汪守宏教授的指导下,在Indiana大学做了三年的Zorn博后;另外还在2003年至2008年之间在田纳西大学担任助理教授五年。王博士的研究领域包括偏微分方程的数值解以及相应的数值分析,特别是稳定性分析。已发表七十多篇学术论文,共超过1800次引用。他还是期刊“Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications”的责任编辑之一。

(一)报告题目:A semi-implicit projection method for the Landau-Lifshitz equation and its convergence analysis

报告摘要: A second order accurate numerical scheme for the Landau-Lifshitz equation, the dynamics of magnetization in a ferromagnetic material with a non-convex constraint, is proposed and analyzed. The temporal discretization is based on the second-order backward differentiation formula, combined with the one-sided extrapolation for the coefficient function, so that the numerical method preserves a linear nature. Subsequently, a projection step is used to preserve the length of the magnetization. The unique solvability of this scheme is theoretically guaranteed with the help of monotonicity analysis. In addition, the convergence analysis for the fully discrete numerical solution is established, with second-order accuracy in both time and space. Some numerical results are also presented in the talk.



(二)报告题目:Epitaxial thin film growth model and its numerical simulation

报告摘要: A nonlinear PDE model of thin film growth model, with or without slope selection, are presented in the talk. A global in time solution with Gevrey regularity is established for the one with slope selection. For the numerical simulation, an idea of convex-concave splitting of the corresponding physical energy is applied, which gives to an implicit treatment for the convex part and an explicit treatment for the concave part. That in turn leads to a numerical scheme with a non-increasing energy. A first order accurate linear splitting and a second order accurate linear iteration algorithm are also considered, with some numerical simulation results presented.



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