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【学术报告】2019年7月25、26日Jaemin Shin副教授来我院举办系列学术讲座


报告人:Jaemin Shin 副教授(韩国Hanbat University)

报告题目:Recent Research Progress on Inverse Problem: Part I-Part III
报告摘要: In this series of  three talks, I will give a basic introduction about the inverse problem and it's numerical method, including inverse spectral problems, inverse scattering transformation, inverse medium and obstacle scattering problems, and inverse source problems. Some of the most advanced research progress regarding the inverse problem will also be introduced. The expected audience include graduate students and young scholars who have interests on  inverse problem.

报告人简介:Jaemin Shin副教授,主要研究兴趣包括反问题,偏微分方程数值解。发表重要文章数十篇。




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