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报告人:韩晓莹教授 (美国奥本大学)

报告题目:Dynamical analysis of chemotherapy models with time-dependent infusion

报告摘要:Classical mathematical models for chemotherapy assume a constant infusion rate of the chemotherapy agent. However in reality the infusion rate usually varies with respect to time, due to the natural (temporal or random) fluctuation of environments or clinical needs. In this work we study a non-autonomous chemotherapy model where the injection rate and injection concentration of the chemotherapy agent are time-dependent. In particular, we prove that the non-autonomous dynamical system generated by solutions to the non-autonomous chemotherapy system possesses a pullback attractor. In addition, we investigate the detailed interior structures of the pullback attractor to provide crucial information on the effectiveness of the treatment. The main analytical tool used is the theory of non-autonomous dynamical systems. Numerical experiments are carried out to supplement the analysis and illustrate the effectiveness of different types of infusions 



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