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报告人:韩晓莹教授 (美国奥本大学)

报告题目:Stochastic computational singular perturbation for stiff chemical Langevin equations 

报告摘要:The research on reduction methods is driven by the complexity of chemical reaction systems, to seek simplified systems involving a smaller set of species and reactions that can approximate the original detailed systems in the prediction of specific quantities of interest. The existence of such reduced systems frequently hinges on the existence of a lower-dimensional, attracting, and invariant manifold characterizing long-term dynamics. The Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) method provides a general framework for analysis and reduction of chemical reaction systems, but is not directly applicable to chemical reaction systems at micro or mesoscale, where stochasticity plays a non-negligible role and thus has to be taken into account.

In this talk I will introduce a novel stochastic computational singular perturbation analysis and time integration framework, and associated algorithm, that can be used to not only construct accurately and efficiently the numerical solutions to stiff stochastic chemical reaction systems, but also analyze the dynamics of the reduced stochastic reaction systems.  



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