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报告人:李兵教授 华南理工大学
报告题目:Some topics on zero entropy systems
报告摘要: In the talk, we will introduce the lower s-topological entropy to distinguish zero entropy systems. That this quantity is an invariant factor under topological conjugacy and a power rule will be given. Some examples are given to show that the lower entropy dimension can attain any value in (0, 1), and are different with the upper one and the entropy dimension in the sense of Bowen. A counterexample is used to indicate that the product rule does not hold, and the lower s-topological entropy of the subsystem for the non-wandering set can be strictly less than that of the system when 0 < s < 1. Finally, this study also constructs a dynamical system to show that the transitive system with zero entropy dimension may not be minimal. This is a joint work with Wen-Chiao Cheng, Rui Kuang and Dongkui Ma.
报告地点: 科技楼南楼602室

地址:中国·湖北省·武汉市珞喻路1037号 华中科技大学数学与统计学院(东三十一楼)
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