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 【学术报告】 2017年8月18日上午Shahn Majid 教授来我院举办学术讲座


报告人: Prof Shahn Majid (Queen Mary University of London, UK)

报告题目: Hodge operator on quantum groups and braided Fourier transform.

报告摘要:We study super-braided Hopf algebras primitively generated by finite- dimensional right crossed (or Drinfeld-Radford-Yetter) modules over a Hopf algebra A which are quotients of the augmentation ideal A^+ as a crossed module by right multiplication and the adjoint coaction. We interpret these as differential exterior algebras and in this context we introduce a Hodge star operator ♯ by super-braided Fourier transform. Our new approach to the Hodge star (a) differs from previous approaches in that it is canonically determined by the differential calculus and (b) differs on key examples, having order 3 in middle degree on k[S_3] with its 3D calculus and obeying the q-Hecke relation ♯^2 = 1 + (q − q−1)♯ in middle degree on k_q[SL_2] with its 4D calculus. 


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