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报告地点:腾讯会议ID:315 908 015

报告题目:Blow-up profiles for the Keller-Segel system in the whole space with dimension $n \geq 3$

报告摘要:Recently, P. Souplet and M. Winkler [CMP, 2019] studied a simplified parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel system in $\Omega\subset R^n (n>2)$. They obtained the blow-up profiles $cr^{-2}<U(r)<Cr^{-2}$ under suitable conditions,where $U(x)=\lim_{t\rightarrow T}u(x,t)$. An open problem proposed in this paper is that, the solution admits a exactly profile: $r^2U(r)$ converge to some constant as $r$ goes to zero. In this talk, we mainly discuss how to settle this open problem when the domain is the whole space

报告人简介:周茂林,特聘研究员,国家特聘青年专家,于2009年毕业于南开大学数学系并获学士学位,于2010年至2014年在日本东京大学师从Hiroshi Matano教授读研究生,并于2014年获得博士学位。毕业后,赴澳大利亚新英格兰大学跟随杜一宏教授做博士后研究。目前,在SIAM JMA, J. DDE,JMPA, JFA等国际期刊发表学术论文10余篇,并获得澳大利亚国家自然科学基金委奖项资助。

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