(一)报告人:王跃飞 教授(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)
报告题目:Quasiconformal geometry and holomorphic motions
报告摘要:Holomorphic motions were introduced by Mane, Sad and Sullivan in 1980's to solve the density problem of structural stability of rational maps, which are closely related to quasiconformal geometry. Since then Holomorphic motions have many important applications in complex dynamics, quasiconformal geometry, Teichmuller spaces, etc. I will talk about the motions and extremal problems for polynomial maps.
(二)报告人:董新汉 教授 (湖南大学)
报告题目:The trace and driving function of Lowner differential equation
报告摘要:In this talk, we will introduce the relation between the traces and the driving functions of Loewner differential equation. Loewner differential equation is induced by the classical complex analysis, it is the main tool for the proof of the famous Bieberbach's conjecture. Applying Loewner differential equation into Brownian motion, Lawler, Schramm and Werner have proved the Mandelbrot's conjecture, this method is called stochastic Loewner evolution.
Loewner differential equation was determined by the trace (i.e., the boundary of domain) and the driving function, however, the relation between them is hard to describe. For some special cases, we obtain the relation between traces and driving functions.
(三)报告人:扶磊 教授(清华大学)
报告题目:The Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky hypergeometric motive and its realizations
报告摘要:We describe the de Rham realization, the l-adic realization,and the p-adic realization of the Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky hypergeometric motive.
(四)报告人:蒋月评 教授 (湖南大学)