An introduction to quantum computing
摘要: Quantum computers have the potential to gain algebraic and even up to exponential speed up compared with its classical counterparts, and can lead to technology revolution in the 21st century. Since quantum computers are designed based on quantum mechanics principle, they are most suitable to solve the Schrodinger equation, and linear PDEs (and ODEs) evolved by unitary operators. The most efficient quantum PDE solver is quantum simulation based on solving the Schrodinger equation. It will be interesting to explore what other problems in scientific computing, such as ODEs, PDEs, and linear algebra that arise in both classical and quantum systems, can be handled by quantum simulation.
主讲人简介:金石(Shi Jin),上海交通大学自然科学研究所所长,数学系教授、博士生导师。兼任上海国家应用数学中心联合主任、教育部科学与工程计算重点实验室主任、上海交通大学重庆人工智能研究所所长。他于2001年获得冯康科学计算奖。他是美国数学学会(AMS)首届院士(2012年)、工业与应用数学学会(SIAM)首届研究员(2013年)、中国工业与应用数理学会(CSIAM)首届院士和2018年国际数学家大会特邀演讲人。2021年,他当选为欧洲科学院外籍院士和欧洲科学院院士。他的研究方向包括动力学理论、双曲守恒律、量子动力学、不确定性量化、相互作用粒子系统、计算流体动力学、机器学习和量子计算等。他发表了200多篇研究论文。