



Superconvergence of projection integrators for conservative system


摘要Projection method is applicable in many fields. It is a natural and practical approach to construct invariant-preserving schemes for conservative systems by projecting the solution of any underlying numerical scheme onto the manifold determined by the invariant, and this process will be referred as projection integrator. A general result for this projection integrator is that it can achieve the same order accuracy as the underlying method. In this paper, we propose a new projection integrator with superconvergence and further discover that the superconvergence is attributed to the projection direction. This paper also summarizes arbitrarily high-order projection integrators with superconvergence and rigorously proves truncation error by utilizing the linear integral methods as a central tool. Meanwhile, symmetry is significant geometric property in the geometric integration for reversible differential equation, so we also establish arbitrarily high-order symmetric projection integrators with superconvergence and provide the corresponding proof. A thorough comparison with the standard projection integrator is carried out.

主讲人简介王雨顺,南京师范大学教授、博导。长期从事保结构算法及其应用研究,已经主持7项国家基金委项目,同时作为主要成员参加科技部“863”课题、“973”项目、“863”计划、基金委重点项目,入选江苏省“333”工程、江苏省青蓝工程学术带头人、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才;江苏省创新团队主持人;获得江苏省科学技术奖,江苏省数学成就奖。专著《偏微分方程保结构算法》获得中国政府图书奖。现任期刊International Journal of Computer Mathematics、《计算数学》编委,江苏省计算数学分会秘书长。



地点:腾讯会议室     ID:261627510

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