报告人:Wang Li 助理教授
State University of New York at Buffalo(美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校)
报告题目: The uniform convergence of gPC-based numerical methods for transport equation with random input
报告摘要: This talk will deal with gPC-based numerical methods for the linear transport equation with random scattering and initial data. In the diffusion regime, these methods suffer from slow convergence due to the small scales. We show that, as long as the numerical scheme is asymptotic preserving for every choice of the random variable, the numerical scheme enjoy a uniform convergence independent of the small parameters. For the stochastic collocation method, the proof relies on the regularity of the solution, whereas for the stochastic Galerkin method, we also need to take care of the position of the scattering term.
报告时间: 2016年7月7日上午10:00-11:30
报告地点: 科技楼南楼811室