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报告题目:Limiting behavior of non-autonomous stochastic delayed reaction-diffusion equations on thin domains

报告摘要:As the thin (n+1)-dimensional domain collapses to an n-dimensional domain and it is natural to ask what happens to the family of random dynamical systems generated by the delayed stochastic equations on thin (n+1)-dimensional domains. Does there exist a limiting random dynamical system? And if so, how can we determine it and what is the relation between   random dynamical systems generated by the delayed stochastic equations on thin (n+1)-dimensional domains and the limiting system? In this talk, we will address these issues. This lecture is based on a joint work with Kening Lu, Bixiang Wang, and Xiaohu Wang. 

报告时间:2017年9月19日 (星期二)下午4:30-15:30


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