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报告题目:Asymptotic behavior of the linearized Boltzmann collision operator: from angular cutoff to non-cutoff 

报告摘要:In the present talk, we will  give a complete and explicit description of the behavior  of the linearized Boltzmann collision operator when the deviation angle has some lower bound $\epsilon$ which is sufficiently small.   As a consequence, we prove two results concerning the asymptotics of the equation from angular cutoff to non-cutoff which corresponds to the limit that $\epsilon$ goes to zero. 

报告人简介:何凌冰:教授,清华大学数学系,博士毕业于中科院,主要研究方向为Boltzmann方程及Landau方程解的正则性传播和渐进性行为。近五年先后在Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis、Communications in Mathematical Physics、SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis、Journal of Functioal Analysis、Journal of Differential Equations、  J. Stat. Phys.等国际主流数学杂志发表论文20余篇。



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