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报告题目: L^p-L^q-L^r estimates and minimal decay regularity for compressible Euler-Maxwell equations

报告摘要: Due to the dissipative structure of regularity-loss, extra higher regularity is usually imposed to obtain the optimal decay rates of classical solutions to dissipative systems. Our recent work is to seek the lowest regularity index for the optimal decay rate of L^1-L^2 type. To this end, a notion of minimal decay regularity for dissipative systems of regularity-loss is firstly proposed. We develop a new time-decay estimate of L^p-L^q-L^r type by using the low-frequency and high-frequency analysis in Fourier spaces. As a direct application, for compressible Euler-Maxwell equations with the weaker dissipative mechanism, it is shown that the minimal decay regularity coincides with the critical regularity for global classical solutions.

报告人简介: 徐江,1979年生,南京航空航天大学教授(破格,2012年)、博士生导师,美国数学会评论员,国际数学组织ISAAC (The International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation) 成员。2007年毕业于浙江大学数学系,同年获得博士学位。201311月至201410月,加入JSPS重点项目在日本Kyushu大学以访问教授身份工作一年。20158月至10月, 以及201610月至12月,获得法国著名调和分析与流体力学方程专家R. Danchin的邀请,访问Universite Paris-Est(巴黎十二大)。20167月至8月,受邀访问德国Universität Würzburg(维尔茨堡大学)。主要研究领域是非线性偏微分方程的数学理论,特别在耗散型偏微分方程的整体性与衰减性方面做了一些工作。主持多项国家自然科学基金项目及省部级项目,在 Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.》、《J. Math. Pures Appl.》、《SIAM J. Math. Anal.》、《J. Differential Equations》等期刊上发表了40余篇SCI论文,其中在《Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.》上发表的一篇论文入选“ESI高被引”论文。



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