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报告人:杨东辉教授 中南大学

报告题目: Optimal Actuator Location of Null Controllable Heat Equation=

报告摘要:In this talk, we shall discuss a kind of optimal actuator location in PDEs. Optimal actuator location is produced from engineering, industry and applied mathematics. We first introduce shape optimization of PDEs, and then introduce the null controllability of heat equation, finally, we consider the optimal actuator location problem of null controllable heat equation. We obtained the existence of the optimal actuator location and characterized the shape of optimal actuator location. There are some open problems will be given in the end of this talk.


报告地点: 科技楼南楼702

地址:中国·湖北省·武汉市珞喻路1037号 华中科技大学数学与统计学院(东三十一楼)
邮政编码:430074     办公电话 E-mail:mathhust@mail.hust.edu.cn
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