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报告题目: Asymptotic Analysis of Transport Equation in Annulus
报告摘要:In this talk, I present the diffusive limit of neutron transport equation in non-convex domains, that is,we consider the diffusive limit of a steady neutron transport equation with ones-peed velocity in a two-dimensional annulus. A classical theorem in Bensoussan et al. (Publ Res Inst Math Sci 15:53–157, 1979) states that the solution can be approximated in L^{\infty} by the sum of the interior solution and Knudsen layer derived from Milne problem. However, this result was disproved in Wu and Guo (Commun Math Phys 336:1473–1553, 2015) in a plate via a different boundary layer expansion with geometric correction. The result provides a counterexample to Bensoussan et al.. It is a joint work with Yan Guo and Lei Wu.



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