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【学术报告】2019年10月29日下午Tomas Persson副教授来我院举办学术讲座


报告人:Tomas Persson 副教授(Lund大学

报告题目:Yet another mass transference principle for arbitrary shapes.

报告摘要:The so called mass transference principle is an important tool to calculate the Hausdorff dimension of certain sets that appear in metric number theory and other settings. Consider a sequence of balls and the set of points that are contained in infinitely many of balls. Suppose that this set has full Lebesgue measure. Then the mass transference principle gives an explicit lower bound of the Hausdorff dimension of this set if the balls are replaced by balls of smaller diameters but same centres. Recently, Henna Koivusalo and Michał Rams proved a mass transference principle which estimates the Hausdorff dimension if the balls are replaced by arbitrary open subsets instead of just smaller balls. In this talk, I will prove something similar but with a different method.



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