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报告人:廖灵敏 教授(巴黎十二大)

报告题目一:Big Birkhoff sums in Gauss like iterated function systems

报告摘要:We are interested in the increasing rate of the Birkhoff sums in the infinite iterated function systems with polynomial decay of the derivative (for example the Gauss map). For different unbounded potential functions, the Hausdorff dimensions of the sets of points whose Birkhoff sums share the same increasing rate are obtained.



报告题目二:A new continued fraction of odd-odd convergents

报告摘要:A new continued fraction algorithm called odd-odd continued fraction is introduced by using an accelerated algorithm of Romik's dynamical system. The principal convergents of this new continued fraction are rational numbers of odd denominators and odd numerators. It is proved that all the best approximating rationals of odd denominators and odd numerators of an irrational number is given by the principal convergents of the odd-odd continued fraction algorithm and vice versa. This is a joint work with Dong Han KIM and Seul Bee LEE.



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