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报告人:宋晓良 助理研究员 (香港理工大学深圳研究院)

报告题目:An Efficient Duality-based Numerical Method for Sparse Optimal Control Problems

报告摘要:In this paper, elliptic optimal control problems involving the $L^1$-control cost ($L^1$-EOCP) is considered. To numerically discretize $L^1$-EOCP, the standard piecewise linear finite element is employed. However, different from the finite dimensional $l^1$-regularization optimization, the resulting discrete $L^1$-norm does not have a decoupled form. A common approach to overcome this difficulty is employing a nodal quadrature formula to approximately discretize the $L^1$-norm. It is clear that this technique will incur an additional error. To avoid the additional error, solving $L^1$-EOCP via its dual, which can be reformulated as a multi-block unconstrained convex composite minimization problem, is considered. Motivated by the success of the accelerated block coordinate descent (ABCD) method for solving large scale convex minimization problems in finite dimensional space, we consider extending this method to $L^1$-EOCP. Hence, an efficient inexact ABCD method is introduced for solving $L^1$-EOCP. The design of this method combines an inexact 2-block majorized ABCD and the recent advances in the inexact symmetric Gauss-Seidel (sGS) technique for solving a multi-block convex composite quadratic programming whose objective contains a nonsmooth term involving only the first block. The proposed algorithm (called sGS-imABCD) is illustrated at two numerical examples. Numerical results not only confirm the finite element error estimates, but also show that our proposed algorithm is more efficient than (a) the ihADMM (inexact heterogeneous alternating direction method of multipliers), (b) the APG (accelerated proximal gradient) method.




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