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报告人: 王丽 助理教授(美国明尼斯达大学双城分校) 

报告人简介: 王丽,其主要从事偏微分数值解及其应用研究,主持过NSF、NSF CAREER、AIMS SquaREs、Simons Travel、PRIMA Travel等美国基金项目,在《SIAM J. Sci. Comput.》、《SIAM J. Appl. Math.》、《SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 》、《Math. Comp.》等计算数学国际重要刊物发表论文20余篇.


报告题目:Asymptotic preserving methods for kinetic equations

报告摘要:Kinetic equations often contain multiple scales that lead to various asymptotic regimes, in which classical numerical methods become prohibitively expensive. Asymptotic-Preserving (AP) scheme is one efficient way to treat such multiscale problems. In this talk, I will explain the basic ideas in designing AP schemes and showcase a few examples in kinetic theory.

报告时间: 2019年8月13日(星期二)上午9:30

报告地点: 科技楼南楼811室


报告题目:Stability analysis for inverse multiscale kinetic equations

报告摘要:In the inverse setting of kinetic theory, we consider recovering model coefficients from noisy boundary measurements. Then it raises the question of how the errors in the measurement affects the recovery. In this talk, we will discuss this issue and also explore its dependence on different scales.

报告时间: 2019年8月13日(星期二)上午10:45

报告地点: 科技楼南楼811室

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