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【学术报告】2019年6月27日下午ZHOU HUIBIN教授来我院举办学术讲座


报告人:ZHOU HUIBIN 教授耶鲁大学

报告题目:Statistical and Computational Guarantees of Lloyd's Algorithm and Its Variants

报告摘要:Clustering is a fundamental problem in statistics and machine learning. Lloyd's algorithm, proposed in 1957, is still possibly the most widely used clustering algorithm in practice due to its simplicity and empirical performance. However, there has been little theoretical investigation on the statistical and computational guarantees of Lloyd's algorithm. This paper is an attempt to bridge this gap between practice and theory. We investigate the performance of Lloyd's algorithm on clustering sub-Gaussian mixtures. Under an appropriate initialization for labels or centers, we show that Lloyd's algorithm converges to an exponentially small clustering error after an order of $\log n$ iterations, where $n$ is the sample size. The error rate is shown to be minimax optimal.For the two-mixture case, we only require the initializer to be slightly better than random guess.  

In addition, we extend the Lloyd's algorithm and its analysis to community detection and crowdsourcing, two problems that have received a lot of attention recently in statistics and machine learning. Two variants of Lloyd's algorithm are proposed respectively for community detection and crowdsourcing. On the theoretical side, we provide statistical and computational guarantees of the two algorithms, and the results improve upon some previous signal-to-noise ratio conditions in literature for both problems. Experimental results on simulated and real data sets demonstrate competitive performance of our algorithms to the state-of-the-art methods.

报告人简介: Harrison Zhou is a Henry Ford II Professor and Chair of the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Yale. His main research interests include  asymptotic decision theory, large covariance matrices estimation, graphical models, Bayesian nonparametrics, statistical network analysis, sparse canonical correlation analysis and principal component analysis, and analysis of iterative algorithms. His research has been acknowledged with awards including the National Science foundation Career Award, the Noether Young Scholar Award from the American Statistical Association, the Tweedie Award, the IMS Medallion lecture and IMS Fellow from the Institute of mathematical Statistics.



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