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报告人: Xiaosheng Zhuang (City University of Hong Kong)

报告题目:Directional Framelets and Applications

报告摘要:Directional multiscale representation systems play an important role in both theory and applications. In theory, directional systems such as curvelets and shearlets have been proved to provide (nearly) optimal approximate rate for cartoon-like functions. In applications such as image/video denoising/inpainting, directional systems have been shown to outperform classical tensor product real-value wavelet/framelet systems. In this talks, we will discuss the design and applications of several types of directional multiscale representation systems, including 1) directional Haar tight framelets and their induced directional box spline tight framelets; 2) tensor product complex tight framelets; 3) affine shear tight frames and affine shear frames with 2-layer structure.



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