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报告人:何晓明 副教授Misourri University of Science and Technology


报告题目:Recent Research Progress on Finite Element Methods: Part I-Part IV

报告摘要:In this series of  four talks, I will give a basic introduction about the FEM, including some basic theory results of FEM , and the programing technology based on Matlab. Some of the most advanced progress regarding the FEM will also be introduced. The expected audience include graduate students and young scholars who have interests on  FEM.


2019年5月29日(星期三)下午14:00  科技楼南楼702室

               晚上18:30  科技楼南楼813室

2019年5月30日(星期四)上午 9:00  科技楼南楼702室

               晚上18:30  科技楼南楼702室

地址:中国·湖北省·武汉市珞喻路1037号 华中科技大学数学与统计学院(东三十一楼)
邮政编码:430074     办公电话 E-mail:mathhust@mail.hust.edu.cn
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