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报告题目:Jump Type Stochastic Differential Equations with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients and Feller and Strong Feller Properties

报告摘要:This paper considers multidimensional jump type stochastic differential equations with super linear growth and non-Lipschitz coefficients. After establishing a sufficient condition for nonexplosion, this paper presents sufficient non-Lipschitz conditions for pathwise uniqueness. The non-confluence property for solutions   is investigated.  Feller and strong Feller properties under non-Lipschitz conditions are investigated via the coupling method. As applications, this paper also studies multidimensional stochastic differential equations driven by Levy processes and presents a Feynman-Kac formula for Levy type operators. This is a joint work with Fubao Xi (Beijing Institute of Technology) 

报告时间: 2017年7月20日(星期四)下午5:00-6:00

报告地点: 科技楼南楼702室

地址:中国·湖北省·武汉市珞喻路1037号 华中科技大学数学与统计学院(东三十一楼)
邮政编码:430074     办公电话 E-mail:mathhust@mail.hust.edu.cn
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