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【学术报告】 2017年7月11日上午石荣刚副教授来我院举办学术讲座


告人:石荣刚副教授 厦门大学

报告题目: Hausdorff dimension of weighted singular vectors in $\mathbb R^2$

报告摘要:We talk about the calculation of the Hausdorff dimension of the set of  weighted singular vectors in $\mathbb R^2$. More precisely,let $w=(w_1, w_2)$ be a pair of positive  real numbers with $w_1+w_2=1$ and $w_1\ge w_2$. We show that the set of $w$-weighted singular vectors in $\mathbb R^2$ has Hausdorff dimension $2- \frac{1}{1+w_1}$. This extends the previous work of Yitwah Cheung on the Hausdorff dimension of the usual  (unweighted) singular vectors in $\R^2$.


报告地点: 科技楼南楼602


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