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 【学术报告】2017年7月10日下午Mumtaz Hussain博士来我院举办学术讲座


报告人:Mumtaz Hussain博士  La Trobe University

报告题目: Metrical results for the sets of Dirichlet non-improvable numbers

报告摘要 Let $\psi:\mathbb R_+\to\mathbb R_+$ be a non-increasing function. A real number $x$ is said to be $\psi$-Dirichlet improvable if it admits an improvement to Dirichlet's theorem in the sense that the system $$|qx-p|< \, \psi(t) \ \ {\text{and}} \ \ |q|<t$$ has a non-trivial integer solution for all large enough $t$.  In this talk, I will explain that the Hausdorff measure of the set of  $\psi$-Dirichlet non-improvable numbers obey a zero-infinity law for a large class of dimension functions.


报告地点: 科技楼南楼602


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