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报告人简介:籍贯武昌,本科就读于中国科学技术大学数学系,后留学美国,于华盛顿大学师从Prof. Steve Krantz并取得硕士、博士学位。毕业后在各高校任教,现就职于杜鲁学院。个人研究方向专注于多复变,尤其是全纯函数的边界行为。




报告题目:Finite group schemes of p-rank ≤ 1

报告摘要:Let G be a finite group scheme over an algebraically closed filed k of characteristic char(k)=p>0. We define the p-rank rk_p(G) of G and determine the structure of those group schemes of p-rank 1, whose linearly reductive radical is trivial.Our results show that group schemes of p-rank ≤ 1 are closely related to those being of finite or domestic representation type. This is a joint work with Rolf Farnsteiner.

报告人简介:常浩, 男, 1986年12月出生, 德国基尔大学基础数学博士, 华东师范大学基础数学博士,现在德国基尔大学数学系从事博士后研究工作, 研究领域为素特征域上的李代数及其表示理论. 近三年分别在 Forum Mathematicum, J. Pure Appl. Algebra,Communications in algebras, Results in Mathematics, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 等国际权威期刊上发表了五篇文章.




报告题目:On the modified multi-component Camassa-Holm system in higher dimensions

报告摘要:In this talk, we discuss the Cauchy problem for the modified multi-component Camassa-Holm system in high dimensions. Firstly, the background will be introduced briefly. Secondly, we establish an almost complete local well-posedness results for the system in the framework of Besov spaces. Thirdly, several blow-up criteria of strong solutions to the system are derived by using the Littlewood-Paley decomposition and the classical energy method. Finally, some further problems are given.

报告人简介:严凯,男,汉族,中共党员。2014年6月博士毕业于中山大学(2012年获得首届“研究生国家奖学金”;2013年7月至2014年6月获得“中山大学优秀博士论文培育项目”资助)。主要从事非线性偏微分方程的研究,研究具有尖峰孤立子解的非线性浅水波模型的各类定解问题的适定性、强解的爆破和整体存在性、弱解的整体存在和唯一性等问题,对流体力学中的相关数学理论也很感兴趣。目前以第一作者在 Comm. Math. Phys., Math. Z., Rev. Mat. Iberoam., J. Differential Equations, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Monatsh. Math. 与 Nonlinear Anal. 等期刊杂志上正式发表SCI论文十余篇。




报告题目:Higher regularity for the fractional thin obstacle problem

报告摘要:Obstacle problems concern the study of minimizers for the Dirichlet energy under the constraint that  they are larger or equal to a given function,which is the so-called obstacle.The interface between the set where the minimizer touches the obstacle and the set where it stays above the obstacle is the free boundary,which is unknown apriori.In this talk I will present the higher regularity of the regular free boundary in the obstacle problem for the fractional Laplacian operator after the seminal work of Caffarelli,Salsa and Silvestre(2008).Our approach is to use a partial hodograph-Legendre transformation to straighten the free boundary,and to reduce the study of the free boundary to the study of the regularity of solutions to a fully nonlinear partial differential equation.This is joint work with Herbert Koch and Angkana Riiland.





报告题目:Asymptotically compatible discretizations for nonlocal models and their applications

报告摘要:Many problems in nature, being characterized by a parameter, are of interests both witha fixed parameter value and with the parameter approaching an asymptotic limit. Numerical schemesthat are convergent in both regimes offer robust discretizations which can be highly desirable in practice.The asymptotically compatible schemes discussed here meet such objectives for a class of parametrizedproblems. In this talk, we will present two asymptotically compatible discretizations for nonlocal models,including specially designed quadrature based finite difference methods and Fourier spectral methods.In particular, we will discuss the efficient implementation of these two asymptotically compatible for nonlocal models.In the end, we will apply these asymptotically compatible discretizations for a robust a posteriori stress analysis,as well as some nonlocal gradient flows including nonlocal Allen-Cahn equations, nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equationsand nonlocal phase-field models.

报告人简介:杨将,男,87年,湖北黄冈人,2010年毕业于浙江大学数学系。在香港浸会大学数学系攻读博士期间,本人完成了名为《Numerical analysis and simulations for phase-field equations》的博士论文,并于2014年六月底正式获得博士学位。博士毕业后,本人在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,哥伦比亚大学以及普渡大学从事博士后研究工作至今。本人的研究领域主要包括数值分析和科学计算,当前尤其侧重于关于相场模型和非局部模型的快速、稳定、高效的数值方法研究和相关的算法分析,及其探求这两类重要模型在物理和工程方面的应用。在相关领域的国际知名杂志如SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering等上,本人有10篇论文已发表或被接受,另外有6篇或已投递或在整理。除了学术工作以外,本人在攻读博士学位和博士后研究工作期间积累了一定的教学经验。博士后期间,本人每个学期都分配有助教工作。在除了帮助教员批改作业和帮助学生答疑之余,本人也经常思考怎样把数学课教好教容易。这学期,本人作为独立教员在普渡大学教授常微分一课,课程代号MA36600。




报告题目:Phase transitions of face-cubic model on the complete graph

报告摘要:In this talk, I will give an example of how large deviation analysis can be applied to study phase transitions of statistical mechanical models. We focus only on the complete graph, on which making rigorous analysis is possible. The model we considered is called n-component face-cubic model, and the nature of its phase transitions on the complete graph is still an open question since introduced in 1975. In this work, using large deviation analysis, we prove limit theorems for the magnetization which reveals that the nature of phase transitions are continuous for n <= 3 and discontinuous for n > 3. We exactly calculate the critical points, especially for n <= 3, where the critical points are simply equal to n.

报告人简介:周宗政,男,1987年1月出生于安徽六安。2008年毕业于合肥工业大学交通工程专业,获学士学位。2012年毕业于中国科学技术大学理论物理专业,获硕士学位。2016年毕业于澳大利亚蒙纳什大学数学学院,获博士学位。从2016年3月至今,先后在澳大利亚墨尔本大学、蒙纳什大学做博士后研究。研究领域为平衡态和非平衡态统计力学,主要研究方向为马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛方法,以及大偏差理论在统计力学中的应用。在Physical Review 系列发表论文多篇。




报告题目:Calderón type commutator and boundary value problem for Laplacian equation

报告摘要:The talk is twofold. We try to introduce singular integral theory and its application in boundary value problem. More precisely, in our first part, we will talk some recent progress about Calderón type commutator with non-smooth kernel. Especially the weighted weak type (1, 1) boundedness and a weak type (1, 1) criterion will be discussed here. In the second part, we will give an application of Calderón type commutator. Thus we will show that the Neumann problem of Laplacian equation on a bounded $C^1$ domain is uniquely solvable if boundary data belongs to weighted $L^p$ space.




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