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【学术报告】2016年9月6日晚上李东宸 博士来我院举办学术讲座


报告人:李东宸 博士

Imperial College London               


Heterodimensional Cycles Near Homoclinic Bifurcations


We study bifurcations of a pair of homoclinic loops to a saddle-focus equilibrium (with a one-dimensional unstable manifold) in flows with dimension four or higher. Particularly, we show that heterodimensional cycles can be born from such bifurcations. A heterodimensional cycle consists of two saddle periodic orbits having different indices (dimensions of unstable manifolds), and two heteroclinic connections between those orbits.

报告时间: 2016年9月6日晚上19:00

报告地点: 科技楼南楼702室

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