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【学术报告】2021年3月30日Vlad Yaskin教授举办学术讲座


报告人:Vlad Yaskin阿尔伯塔大学



报告地点:Zoom: 955 0489 5316

报告题目:Unique determination of ellipsoids by their dual volumes

报告摘要:Gusakova and Zaporozhets conjectured that ellipsoids in R^n are uniquely determined (up to an isometry) by their intrinsic volumes. Petrov and Tarasov confirmed this conjecture in R^3. In this talk we will present a solution to the dual problem in all dimensions. We will show that any ellipsoid in R^n centered at the origin is uniquely determined (up to an isometry) by an n-tuple of its dual volumes. To prove this result, we reduce it to a problem of moments. As an application, we give an alternative proof of the result of Petrov and Tarasov. This is a joint work with S. Myroshnychenko and K. Tatarko.

报告人简介Vlad Yaskin教授是加拿大著名数学家,在凸几何分析, 几何泛函分析,凸几何中调和分析的应用等研究领域中都非常活跃,已在Adv. Math.、Trans of AMS、Math. Ann.等世界著名杂志上发表论文三十余篇。

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