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报告地点:腾讯会议ID:704 651 369

报告题目:Joint singularity of matrix tuples

报告摘要:The class of singular matrices (or equivalently, systems of linear forms) was introduced by Khintchine and has been an important object of study in Diophantine approximation. Breakthroughs have been made recently by several people in computing the Hausdorff dimension of such matrices. In this talk, we introduce a notion of joint singularity of matrix tuples, determine the Hausdorff dimension of jointly singular matrix tuples, and relate it to the divergence property of certain trajectories of homogeneous dynamics. This is joint work with Lifan Guan, Antoine Marnat and Ronggang Shi.

报告人简介:安金鹏,北京大学教授。研究方向是群上的作用、度量丢番图逼近。在李群的子空间理论、群的刚性,尤其在度量丢番图逼近中的Schmidt猜测等方面做出了开创性的工作。在Duke  Math. J.,  J. Differential Geom., J. Reine Angew. Math., Adv.Math.等知名刊物上发表论文20余篇。

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