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报告题目:The $L_p$ Asplund sum and related Minkowski problem


报告地点:腾讯会议ID:994 5539 6697

报告摘要:The geometric properties of log-concave functions have attracted great attention in recent years. Many fundamental results for convex bodies have found their analogues for log-concave functions. However, there were no systematic studies for the $L_p$ Asplund sum of log-concave functions and related properties. In this talk, I will discuss how to define the $L_p$ Asplund sum for log-concave functions. In particular, I will present the related variational formula which results in the $L_p$ surface area measures for log-concave functions. Hence, a Minkowski type problem can be posed to characterize such measures. I will provide our solutions to this Minkowski type problem for log-concave functions.

报告人简介:叶德平,教授,加拿大著名数学家,在凸几何分析, 几何和泛函不等式,随机矩阵,量子信息理论和统计学等研究领域中都非常活跃,已在Adv. Math.、CPAM、CVPDE等世界著名杂志上发表论文二十余篇。

地址:中国·湖北省·武汉市珞喻路1037号 华中科技大学数学与统计学院(东三十一楼)
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