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 Gromov-Witten理论是数学物理研究中的一个重要课题。 本次活动旨在讨论Gromov-Witten理论领域的一些新进展,促进本学科的发展,为国内本领域的科研人员搭建相互交流与学习的平台。


一. 邀请报告人(按姓氏首字母顺序排列):

刘小博(北京大学)  王崇宇(北京大学)

王新(山东大学)  文豪(南开大学)  

邬龙挺(南方科技大学)  杨成浪(中国科学院)  

张庆生(北京大学)  周坚(清华大学)  

二. 会议时间:3月22日-3月26日

. 会议地点:华中科技大学欣苑一栋119会议室

. 主办单位:华中科技大学数学与统计学院

. 资助单位:华中科技大学,科技部国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目2022YFA1006200




9:30 --10:20 报告人: 周坚

10:40 --11:30 报告人: 王新


3月24日上午: 主持人:瞿枫

9:30 -- 10:20 报告人: 文豪

10:40 -- 11:30 报告人:张庆生


3月25日上午: 主持人:王知远

9:30 -- 10:20 报告人:杨成浪

10:40 -- 11:30 报告人:邬龙挺


3月26日上午: 主持人:向茂松

9:30 -- 10:20 报告人: 刘小博

10:40 -- 11:30 报告人:王崇宇




Title: Tautological Relations and Their Applications

Abstract: Relations among tautological classes on moduli spaces of stable curves have important applications in cohomological field theory. For example, relations among psi-classes and boundary classes give universal equations for generating functions of Gromov-Witten invariants of all compact symplectic manifolds. In this talk, I will talk about such relations and their applications to Gromov-Witten theory and integrable systems.


Title: On A Tautological Relation Conjectured by Buryak-Shadrin

Abstract: Tautological relations on moduli spaces of stable curves are important topics. Recently, Buryak and Shadrin conjectured a tautological relation. We proved that the conjecture holds if it is true for the $m = 2$ and $d| = 2g+1$ case. This reduces the proof of this conjecture to checking finitely many cases for each genus. In particular, we proved the conjecture for the genus one case. I will explain our proof and some calculations in this report. This is a joint work with Prof. Xiaobo Liu.


Title: Universal structures for Gromov-Witten invariants

Abstract: In this talk, we discuss two kinds of universal structures for higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of any target varieties. One is certain explicit universal equations from Hodge integrals. Another one is certain basic structures from topological recursion relations on the moduli space of curves. This is based on joint work with Felix Janda.


Title: Primitive forms from log Landau-Ginzburg mirrors of projective toric manifolds

Abstract: We introduce the notion of a logarithmic Landau-Ginzburg (log LG) model for projective toric manifolds, which is essentially given by equipping the central degenerate fiber of the Landau-Ginzburg mirror family with a log structure. We show that the state space of the mirror log LG model is naturally isomorphic to that of the original toric manifold. We give a perturbative construction of primitive forms by studying the deformation theory of such a log LG model along the line of the work of Kyoji Saito, which involves both smoothing of the central degenerate fiber and unfolding of the superpotential. This yields a logarithmic Frobenius manifold structure on the base space of the universal unfolding.


Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA


Title: Plane partitions and their partition function

Abstract:The plane partitions, also called the 3D Young diagrams, are planar analogs of the ordinary integer partitions. They were first studied by MacMahon around 1900, and in recent years, they were shown to be related to the open Gromov-Witten invariants and DT invariants. In this talk, I will introduce my recent results about a formula for the partition function of plane partitions admitting a limit shape along the z-axis direction and the connection to the double-P^1 model.


Title:On the Hodge-BGW correspondence

Abstract: The Hodge integrals study the intersection numbers on Deligne-Mumford moduli space, and the BGW model is an matrix model introduced by Brezin-Gross-Witten in 1980s. Both theories are of great importance in the study of Gromov-Witten type theory. In this talk, we introduce an explicit relationship between them and as an application, we find an Ekedahl-Lando-Shapiro-Vainshtein (ELSV) type formula for BGW correlators, which gives a geometric definition of the BGW model. This talk is based on my joint work with Di Yang.



摘要:Gromov-Witten类型理论与统计物理的类似之处是都处理无穷多个自由度,这启发我们借鉴统计物理思想来研究Gromov-Witten类型理论,其中包括平均场理论、重整化理论和突显几何(emergent geometry)等几个方面。这些方法对Gromov-Witten理论的一个应用是Gromov-Witten理论的相变现象的研究。本报告对这些方面的工作做一个简要的介绍。

地址:中国·湖北省·武汉市珞喻路1037号 华中科技大学数学与统计学院(东三十一楼)
邮政编码:430074     办公电话 E-mail:mathhust@mail.hust.edu.cn
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