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【学术报告】2023年11月15日Anatoly A.Alikhanov教授来我院举办学术讲座


报告人:Anatoly A. Alikhanov(北高加索联邦大学)



报告地点:Zoom: 856 227 780 71

报告题目:A class of time-fractional diffusion equations with generalized fractional derivatives

报告摘要:In this talk, we consider generalized fractional derivatives, which are characterized by a scale function and a weight function. It is proposed to replace the time variable with a new variable, associated with the scale and weight functions, which allows us to reduce the problems for equations with generalized fractional derivatives to problems for equations with the usual fractional derivative. The equations obtained after the above change of variables are quite well studied, so that one can apply well-known effective numerical methods and use the reverse substitution to find solutions to the original problems.

报告人简介:Anatoly Alikhanov,北高加索联邦大学研究员,副校长,数学与计算机中心主任。Anatoly Alikhanov教授主要从事分数阶微分方程数值算法的研究,提出了著名了L2-\sigma格式,主持了多项俄罗斯自然科学基金。

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