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【学术报告】2023年7月25日Anatoly Alikhanov研究员举办学术讲座


报告人:Anatoly Alikhanov(北高加索联邦大学)




报告题目:Numerical methods of solutions of boundary value problems for the multi-term variable-distributed order diffusion equation

报告摘要:Solutions of the Dirichlet and Robin boundary value problems for the multi-term variabledistributed order diffusion equation are studied. A priori estimates for the corresponding differential and difference problems are obtained by using the method of the energy inequalities. The stability and convergence of the difference schemes follow from a priory estimates. The credibility of the obtained results is verified by performing numerical calculations for test problems

报告人简介:Anatoly Alikhanov,北高加索联邦大学研究员,副校长,数学与计算机中心主任。Anatoly Alikhanov教授主要从事分数阶微分方程数值算法的研究,提出了著名了L2-\sigma格式,主持了多项俄罗斯自然科学基金。

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