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报告题目:Compatible L2 norm convergence of the variable-step L1 energy stable scheme for the TFMBE model

报告摘要:The convergence of the variable-step L1 schemes is studied for the time-fractional molecular beam epitaxy (TFMBE) model with or without slope selection. By taking advantage of the convex splitting of nonlinear bulk, novel asymptotically compatible L2 norm error estimates of the variable-step L1 schemes are established under a convergence-solvability-stability(CSS)-consistent time-step constraint. The CSS-consistent condition means that the maximum step-size limit required for convergence is of the same order as that for solvability and stability (in certain norms) as the small interface parameter. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time to establish such an error estimate for nonlinear subdiffusion problems. The asymptotically compatible convergence means that the error estimate is compatible with that of the backward Euler scheme for the classical MBE model as the fractional order . Just as the backward Euler scheme can maintain the physical properties of the MBE equation, the variable-step L1 scheme can also preserve the corresponding properties of the TFMBE model, including the volume conservation, variational energy dissipation law and L2 norm boundedness. Numerical experiments are presented to support our theoretical results.


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