报告人:Georgios Akrivis(约阿尼纳大学)
报告地点:Zoom ID: 956 1220 5389 Passcode: 1015
报告题目:The energy technique for BDF methods
报告摘要:The energy technique is probably the easiest way to establish stability of parabolic differential equations. The application of the energy technique to numerical methods with very good stability properties, such as algebraically stable Runge-Kutta methods or A-stable multistep methods, is straightforward. The extension to other numerical methods, such as A($\vartheta$)-stable methods, requires some effort and is more interesting; the main difficulty concerns suitable choices of test functions. Here we focus on the energy technique for backward difference formula (BDF) methods. In the cases of the A-stable one- and two-step BDF methods the application is trivial. The energy technique is applicable also to the A($\vartheta$)-stable three- , four- and five-step BDF methods via NevanlinnaOdeh multipliers.
报告人简介:Georgios Akrivis,希腊约阿尼拉大学教授,SIAM J Num. Anal 编委。计算数学顶级专家,主要研究微分方程数值解。在Numer Math, Math Comput, SIAM. J. Numer. Anal等杂志发表SCI论文50余篇。