报告地点:腾讯会议ID: 838153851
报告题目:On the late-time Rayleigh-Taylor instability and shearing dynamics of droplets
报告摘要:This talk include two parts. The first part is to provide a quantitative description of the late-time Rayleigh-Taylor instability with a comprehensive range of the Reynolds numbers and Atwood numbers, which have not been fully addressed before. The high-resolution numerical simulations indicate that the instability with high Reynolds numbers undergoes a sequence of distinguishing stages, which are termed as the linear growth, saturated velocity growth, reacceleration and chaotic development stages. At the chaotic stages, a complex interfacial structure with large topological change is induced and the spike and bubble amplitudes exhibit the mean quadratic growth laws. The effect of Atwood number on the instability late-time growth is also examined and the quantitative data of the bubble and spike growth rates are also presented. The second part is to present a numerical study of the shearing dynamics of single droplet and binary droplets, and different regimes are revealed at wide range of dimensionless physical parameters.
报告人简介:梁宏,杭州电子科技大学副教授。2010年于宁波大学数学与应用数学专业获学士学位,先后于华中科技大学数学统计学院、燃烧国家重点实验室学习,2015年获得博士学位,同年进入杭州电子科技大学物理系工作。主要从事复杂流动的计算模型及应用研究,已在Phys. Rev. E、Phys. Fluids等期刊发表SCI 论文30余篇(含4篇ESI高被引论文),论文已被引用700余次,2017年获得湖北省优秀博士学位论文。