



邀请人:刘 斌



报告题目:Restricted independence in displacement function

报告摘要:Since the independence of focal values is a sufficient condition to give a number of limit cycles arising from a center-focus equilibrium, in this paper we consider a restricted independence to a parametric curve, which gives a method not only to increase the lower bound for the cyclicity of the center-focus equilibrium but also to be available when those focal values are not independent. We apply the method to a nondegenerate center-focus system and prove that the cyclicity reaches its an upper bound. This is a joint work with Xingwu Chen, Jaume Llibre, Zhaoxia Wang.

报告人简介:张伟年教授,四川大学数学学院院长,博士生导师,北京大学本科、博士毕业,教育部高等学校数学专业教学指导委员会委员,2008年入选国家级人才项目。入选了四川大学214人才工程、国家985科技创新平台、四川省教学名师, 2002年入选四川省学术和技术带头人,2001年获教育部中国高校科学技术奖,2002年获教育部第四届高校青年教师奖。主要从事微分方程与动力系统的理论和应用研究,在国际数学权威期刊上发表一系列高水平的学术论文。

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