


报告人简介: 向妮 教授(湖北大学)

报告题目$\alpha$-inverse Gauss curvature flows in a cone

报告摘要In this talk ,we introduce strictly convex hypersurfaces with the boundary which meet a strictly convex coneperpendicularly. If these hypersurfaces expand inside this cone,driven by the $-\frac{\alpha}{n}$-th power of the Gauss curvature with $0<\alpha<1$,we prove that this evolution exists for all the time andthe evolving hypersurfaces converge smoothly to a piece of roundsphere after rescaling

报告人简介: 向妮,湖北大学数学与统计学学院副院长、教授,主要从事完全非线性偏微分方程领域的研究,发表学术论文10余篇,主持国家自然科学基金2项。

报告时间: 2019530日(星期四)下午4:40

报告地点: 科技楼南楼702

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