




报告题目:The fusion of panchromatic image and multispectral image via Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) and Heaviside Functions

报告摘要:In this talk, we present an iterative scheme to address the problem of pansharpening that is to fuse a high-resolution panchromatic image and a low-resolution multispectral image to get a high-resolution multispectral image. We solve the problem from image intensity function estimation perspective and assume the image contains smooth and edge components. We model the smooth components of an image using a thin-plate reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) and the edges using approximated Heaviside functions. The proposed method is applied to image patches, aiming to reduce computation and storage. Visual and quantitative comparisons with some competitive approaches show the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

报告人简介:邓良剑,电子科技大学数学科学学院副教授,分别于2010年和2016年获得电子科技大学理学学士和理学博士学位。2013年9月至2014年9月作为联合培养博士在美国Case Western Reserve University(CWRU)交流一年,2017年5月至2018年5月赴香港浸会大学进行博士后研究工作, 曾访问剑桥大学牛顿数学科学研究所、香港浸会大学。曾获得电子科技大学学生最高荣誉“成电杰出学生”(研究生)。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,并参与若干项国家级项目。研究方向为图像处理和计算机视觉,在相关领域发表国际期刊和会议文章30余篇,如SIIMS, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TIP, IEEE TGRS, IEEE CVPR等。至今在相关国际会议场上多次英文报告相关工作,担任IEEE TCSVT, Information science,Neurocomputing,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation等多个国际SCI期刊审稿人。





报告题目:Lp-Regularized Depth Map Estimation for Haze Visibility Enhancement

报告摘要:Outdoor images captured under hazy weather conditions commonly suffer from reduced contrast and visibility. Haze visibility enhancement is a challenging problem because the haze highly depends on the unknown depth information. In this talk, we propose an enhanced variational framework to accurately estimate depth map assisting in enhancing imaging performance. In particular, the Lp-norm constraint on depth map is proposed due to its statistical sparsity property. Multichannel regularization is further introduced to constrain haze-free image. Gradient residual minimization has also been incorporated into the variational framework to suppress the possible visual artifacts. The proposed variational framework has the capacity of estimating natural-looking depth map leading to satisfactory dehazing results. The resulting nonconvex nonsmooth minimization problem can be effectively handled using alternating direction method. Both synthetic and realistic experiments have demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed dehazing method.

报告人简介:刘文,武汉理工大学副教授,博士生导师,深圳大学访问学者(2016.04-2017.10),新加坡科技研究局访问学者(2018.03)。2009年本科毕业于武汉理工大学信息与计算科学专业,2015年获香港中文大学哲学博士学位,中国科学院自动化研究所访问学生。主要研究方向为视觉感知与智能计算、海事大数据挖掘与可视分析。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,作为核心成员承担国家重点研发计划课题1项。近5年在SCI期刊与EI会议上发表论文近50篇;研究成果获2018年中国水运建设行业协会科学技术奖一等奖(排名第3);目前担任SCI期刊International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems(CCF-C)副主编;以色列科技部基金项目和国家自然科学基金项目评议专家;IEEE Internet of Things Journal、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics和IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems等30多个SCI期刊审稿人。





报告题目:Sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification

报告摘要:Sparse representation (SR) is a hot topic in the fields of machine learning and image processing. Given an overcompleted dictionary, SR aims to approximate a measured signal with a linear combination of a small number of dictionary atoms. The compact and sparse signal representation pattern helps to reveal the intrinsic structural information embedded in the data and to simplify the subsequent analysis and processing, which makes the SR method as a competitive candidate for many applications, such as face recognition, hyperspectral unmixing and classification. This report focuses on the sparse representation based hyperspectral image classification and mainly includes the following four parts: (1) the introduction on hyperspectral images and sparse representation; (2) joint sparse representation and robust  joint sparse representation; (3) kernel joint sparse representation and its variant; (4) experimental results and discussion.

报告人简介:彭江涛,湖北大学数学与统计学学院副教授。2011年7月获中国科学院自动化研究所工学博士学位。2013年8月至2014年7月应邀访问澳门大学,2017年9月至2018年9月公派出国访问密西西比州立大学。多次参加国际国内学术会议。自2008年开始从事模式识别和遥感图像处理相关的研究工作,在高光谱图像的特征提取和分类等方面进行了较为深入的研究,在遥感图像处理领域权威期刊IEEE TGRS, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE JSTARS, IEEE GRSL 等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇;主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、湖北省自然科学基金1项。担任SCI期刊Remote Sensing、Applied Sciences的客座编辑(Guest Editor)。



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