


报告人: 靳 祯(山西大学)

报告题目:Whether isolating high-degree nodes in network can reduce the final size of infectious diseases ?

报告摘要:New and emergent infectious diseases (NEIDs) have exacted heavy public health and economic tolls due to absence of targeted prevention and control measures. In general, the most intuitive intervention measure on NEIDs is to isolate the nodes with high degree in network to decrease the final size of infectious diseases. As such, the isolating timeliness becomes considerably crucial. Whether can isolating high-degree nodes at any time reduce the final size? In this talk, based on a switched mean field SIR model, we obtained a time threshold of isolating high-degree nodes. Before the threshold, the isolating measure reduces the final size, and otherwise increases the final size. In addition, we obtained another time threshold for epidemic duration by simulation, before which, the isolating measure lengthens epidemic duration, and otherwise shortens epidemic duration. Between such two time thresholds, the isolating measure can both reduce the final size of the epidemic and shorten epidemic duration. This result provides a good guideline for formulating network-based control measures on NEIDs.



科研概况:主持国家自然基金项目6项,其中国家基金重点项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金2项,主持高等学校博士点基金2项,其中优先资助1项,科技部重点研发项目1项,其他省部级项目20余项。在《Journal of Differential Equations》、《Scientific Reports》、《J. R. Soc. Interface》、《PLoS One》、《Bull. Math. Biol.》、《J. Theor. Biol.》、《Phys. Rev. E》等国内外重要学术期刊发表学术论文300余篇,被SCI收录200余篇(含通信作者)。



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