



报告题目:A Generalization of AFD Algorithm From H^2 to H^p Spaces

报告摘要:In this talk, we study decomposition of functions in Hardy Spaces H^p(D) which is a generalization of AFD(Adaptive Fourier Decomposition) algorithm in H^2. First, we give a direct application of AFD to functions in H^p(D). Then, we study adaptive decomposition by the normalized Szego kernel dictionary. We give a maximal selection principle and adaptive decomposition procedure. Under the proposed algorithm, functions in H^p(D) can be effectively expressed by a linear combination of Szego kernels whether the hyperbolic non-separability condition holds or not.

报告人简介:王彦波,武汉纺织大学数学与计算机学院信息与计算科学系,副教授。主要研究方向为时-频分析,非线性逼近,复分析。主持自科基金项目1项,参与自科基金项目2项,在Advances in Computational Mathematics, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science 等期刊发表论文多篇。



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