



报告题目:Energy and Dynamics of Grain Boundaries Based on Underlying Mircrostructure

报告摘要:Grain boundaries are the interfaces of grains with different orientations in polycrystalline materials. Energetic and dynamic properties of grain boundaries play essential roles in the mechanical and plastic behaviors of the materials. These properties of grain boundaries strongly depend on their microscopic structures. We present continuum models for the energy and dynamics of grain boundaries based on the continuum distribution of the line defects (dislocations or disconnections) on them.  The long-range elastic interaction between the line defects is included in the continuum models to maintain stable microstructure on grain boundaries during the evolution. The continuum models is able to describe both normal motion and tangential translation of the grain boundaries due to both coupling and sliding effects that were observed in atomistic simulations and experiments.

报告人简介:项阳,博士,香港科技大学教授。2001年于纽约大学Courant研究所获得博士学位,2001年-2003年于普林斯顿大学进行博士后研究工作。其当前主要研究兴趣包括:材料科学的数学建模与模拟; 数值分析与科学计算; 数据科学与图像处理。在《 Acta Materialia》、《 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics》、《 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering》、《Communications in Mathematical Sciences》、《Multiscale Modeling and Simulation》等国际期刊发表学术论文多篇。



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